Rapper T-Pain Involved in Atlanta Auto Accident Rapper and songwriter T-Pain was recently the victim of an early morning hit-and-run crash at a Roswell intersection. In a video posted online,
Is an Employer Liable for Its Employee’s Crazy Dare with a Customer?
Is an Employer Liable for Its Employee’s Crazy Dare with a Customer? A plaintiff sued a restaurant for injuries he sustained when he stuck his hand in a pitcher of
When is a Settlement Release a Counteroffer?
When is a Settlement Release a Counteroffer in an Auto Accident Case? A judge decided an insurance company’s Motion to Intervene and Motion to Enforce Settlement stemming from an automobile
Can You Waive Gross Negligence When an Accident Happens?
Can an ATV Park Owner Waive Gross Negligence When an Accident Happens? In this case, a surviving widow and personal representative of her husband’s estate filed a wrongful death action
What is Interspousal Tort Immunity and How Does it Apply to Auto Accidents in Georgia?
What is Interspousal Tort Immunity and How Does it Apply to Auto Accidents in Georgia? Angie McDaniel appealed the trial court’s dismissal of her malicious prosecution claim and others against